Nebraska Recreation & Park Association
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NeRPA Site Selection

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The Nebraska Recreation and Parks Association (NeRPA) is currently accepting proposals from cities or towns in regards to hosting the 2026 NeRPA Annual Conference.

The annual NeRPA conference is held in the fall each year, often between mid-September and mid-October. The NeRPA conference is  typically three days. We are currently seeking a site for the 2026 Conference. As a host city or town, the NeRPA executive board requests that representatives from the city or town work with NeRPA members with conference planning to assist with choosing conference and hotel accommodations, providing suggestions for local conference speakers, recommendations for local facility tours, and ideas for evening socials. Support from the NeRPA Conference Planning Committee would be provided throughout this process.

Please read through the Site Selection Letter.

Site Selection Bid Application

Due date: April 23, 2025

Sites will be notified if they have or have not been selected by the end of September. Thanks for your interest and support of NeRPA.

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