Nebraska Recreation & Park Association
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RAP Magazine

2024 Fall Winter RAP
Recreation & Parks Magazine (RAP) 
The RAP is the official publication of the NeRPA. This professionally designed tri-annual magazine is a critical component of NeRPA’s communications program, and features relevant editorial for people directly involved in Nebraska’s Parks and Recreation profession. When our readers are ready to contract products or services for their organizations, make sure they think of you first!

Editorial Calendar:
Spring:  Artwork Due in March, Delivered to Members: Early April 

Summer:  Artwork Due in July, Delivered to Members: Early August  
Fall/Winter:  Artwork Due in November, Delivered to Members: Mid December

If you are interested in advertising with us, please contact:
Ryan Mohling

Digital Requirements
  • All artwork should be submitted in one of the following formats: .EPS, .PDF, .AI, .PNG, or .PSD. • Please embed or include all fonts and graphics.
  • Graphics should visually appear high-resolution and have a minimum 300 PPI or more.
  • NOTE: We cannot increase the quality of the image if the original is blurry, grainy, or too small — graphics pulled from websites are generally too small to use.
  • All colors should be created as CMYK process colors.